Thoughts on Gratitude with Louie Schwartzberg

Gratitude by Louie Schwartzberg

Do you ever have something pop up in your life numerous times in a few days, so much that you have no choice but to act? Well this happened to me with Louie Schwartzberg’s TED Talk on gratitude. People mentioned it to me, I mentioned it to others, the video kept popping into my mind, I wondered what Schwartzberg would think of things I was seeing around me, etc.

I originally saw this talk a few years ago and loved it. Two of my favorite things: nature and gratitude. Perhaps I mentioned it to clients here and there, but nothing regular. But why not?! Such good material for people to consider. So I put together this little blog as a resource for clients (and anyone else who finds this page).

Here are a few questions I thought of while re-watching the talk. Feel free to use these are a guide, pick and choose your own topics, or just watch and enjoy with no homework required…

Have you ever stumbled into a passion? If so is it something you are currently grateful for?

Do you believe you protect what you are in love with? Have you been protected?

What does “Oh My God” mean to you?

How do you feel connected to a universe that celebrates life? Do you believe this to be true? Does your position affect your gratefulness?

Are you currently grateful for your mind and heart, even if you see them as flawed? Are you grateful for each?

Do you use your imagination? Does it bring you gratitude or angst? Both? Something else?

What are you grateful for today?

What can you open your heart and eyes to today? The film mentioned people, nature, modern world. How about you?

Do you believe you bless those around you? How? Who is grateful for you?

Did any uncomfortable feelings come up for you while watching the film? Anything that rubbed you the wrong was? Hey not everything has to make you feel grateful 😉

If you are a client feel free to bring this topic up in session.

Through this talk I discovered Schwartzberg’s Moving Art videos which I find captivating, and are currently available on Netflix. This may be worth a look for you as well.

The same video is also available in the Ted Talk by clicking here if that suits your technology better…

Thanks for reading.

Kelly Burris is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist located in San Clemente California. Kelly is also a wellness coach that works with clients anywhere in the world thanks to technology. She can be reached at 949.441.0771 or


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